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This is an R base graphics implementation of a bubblechart arranged as a heatmap, i.e. with rows and columns arranged by hiearchical clustering. It is currently used to map numerical values (such as correlation) to colours, and a second set of numerical values (assumed to be p-values, thus log-transformed and filtered for significance) to dot size.

## Loading required package: viridis
## Loading required package: viridisLite
## Loading required package: pheatmap

Let’s simulate a correlation matrix by taking values from a random uniform distribution between -0.8 and 0.8.

cors = data.frame(matrix(runif(n = 100, min = -0.8, max = 0.8), nrow = 10, ncol = 10))

We now simulate associated p-values. To do this we will first simulate a uniform distribution, then “spike in” some low p-values for high absolute correlations ( > 0.55).

pvals = matrix(runif(n = 100, min = 0, max = 1), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
pvals[which(abs(cors) > 0.55)] = runif(n = length(which(abs(cors) > 0.55)), min = 1e-05, max = 1e-03)
pvals =, stringsAsFactors = F)

Let’s look at the p value distribution to make sure it looks like a nice enough result, worth plotting

hist(as.matrix(pvals), breaks = 10, col = "cadetblue", border = NA)

We first define a function, makeGrid, that draws a blank canvas with the size we need. It is a grid of x by y that will be populated by another function

#' Grid canvas
#' @param ys numeric, number of rows in the grid
#' @param xs numeric, number of columns in the grid
#' @param ... passed to plot and points
#' @return an empty canvas with ys and xs rows and columns

makeGrid = function(ys, xs, ...)
    plot(y = 1:ys, x = rep(1, ys), xlim = c(1,xs), ...)
    for(i in 2:xs) points(y = 1:ys, x = rep(i,ys), ...)

We then define another function, prop_cex that maps dot sizes to values (cex). This function takes as arguments the values, bins (number of different dot sizes), a minimum (minc) and a maximum (maxc) dot size, a value with which NA values are replaced (na.value) and a value with which infinite values are replaced (inf.value)

#' Grid canvas
#' @param values vector of numeric values to be mapped to dot sizes
#' @param bins numeric, number of dot sizes in which the values are binned
#' @param minc numeric, smallest dot size
#' @param maxc numeric, largest dot size
#' @param na.value numeric, value with which NAs will be replaced in the values vector
#' @param inf.value numeric, value with which Inf will be replaced in the values vector
#' @return a vector of binned dot sizes mapped to the values

prop_cex <- function(values, bins, minc = 0.3, maxc = 3, na.value = 0, inf.value = 400)
    values[] = na.value
    values[!is.finite(values)] = inf.value
    ordered.values <- values[order(values, decreasing = T)]

    cex.values <- seq(minc, maxc, length.out = length(unique(values)))
    cex.frame <-, lfc =rev(unique(ordered.values))))
    cex.binned <- seq(minc, maxc, length.out = bins)
    outdf <-
    outdf$cex.values = sapply(outdf$values, function (x) cex.frame[which(cex.frame$lfc == x),1])
    cex.values.binned =$cex.values, function(x) cut(x, breaks = cex.binned, include.lowest = T, labels = cex.binned[1:length(cex.binned)-1] )), stringsAsFactors = F)
    outdf$binned = as.numeric(levels(cex.values.binned[,1])[cex.values.binned[,1]])

The third function we need to define maps colors to values, and is directly taken by the pheatmap package. It takes as arguments the values and the color palette of choice.

#' Color key
#' @param values vector of numeric values to be mapped to colors
#' @param pal vector of characters indicating colors 
#' @return a vector of colors mapped to values

colorKey <- function(values, pal = viridis(25, option = "B"))
    values_sc <- scale(values)
    bks <- pheatmap:::generate_breaks(values_sc, length(pal), center = F)
    cols <- pheatmap:::scale_colours(values_sc, col=pal, breaks=bks, na_col = "gray")
    cols <- as.character(cols)

Finally, we define the actual bubbleMap function. Having defined all the other parts separately, it is trivial to plot the dots with their respective colors and sizes in the grid drawn by makeGrid. This function takes as arguments the data frame of values, the data frame of p values, the number of dot size bins (passed to prop_cex), the color palette (passed to colorKey), the map title (maplabel passed in “main” to the plot function). sp is a spacer used to draw the color key properly. Notice that the way dots are ordered comes from the pheatmap clustering. This is a hack that will be improved on in the future.

#' Bubble map
#' @param valuedf data frame with numerics that will be mapped to colors
#' @param pvaluedf data frame with numerics that will be mapped to dot sizes. treated as a p-value data frame (values < 0.05 are filtered)
#' @param cbins numeric, passed to bins in prop_cex
#' @param color_pal vector of characters indicating colors to be mapped
#' @param maplabel character passed to main in the plot
#' @param ... other arguments passed to plot()
#' @return a pretty bubble map

bubbleMap <- function(valuedf, pvaluedf, cbins = 5, color_pal = colorRampPalette(c("slateblue", "gray", "orange"))(25), maplabel = 
    "Correlation", ...)

    pmap <- pheatmap(valuedf, silent = T)
    valuedf <-[rev(pmap$tree_row$order), pmap$tree_col$order])
    pvaluedf <-[rev(pmap$tree_row$order), pmap$tree_col$order])

    #pvaluedf$id = rownames(pvaluedf)
    p2 =
    p2$func = rownames(p2)
    moltenp =

    moltenp$logP = as.numeric(-log10(moltenp$value))
    moltenp$logP[moltenp$logP < 1.3] = 1
    moltenp$cexes = prop_cex(moltenp$logP, bins = cbins, minc = 1, maxc = 4.4)
    moltenp$cexes[moltenp$logP == 1] = 0.5

    pcex =^-moltenp$logP, moltenp$cexes))
    pcex = pcex[order(pcex[,1]),]
    colnames(pcex) = c("logP", "cexes")

    edgen = round(max(c(abs(min(as.numeric(unlist(valuedf)))), abs(max(as.numeric(unlist(valuedf)))))), digits = 1)
    c2 =
    c2$func = rownames(c2)
    moltenc =
    colors = colorKey(values = c(- edgen, edgen, moltenc$value), pal = color_pal)
    colors = colors[3:length(colors)]
    moltenp$colors = colors

    nr = nrow(valuedf)
    nc = ncol(valuedf)
    xsc = (1:nc)/nc
    ysc = (1:nr)/nr

    coordf = expand.grid(1:length(unique(moltenp$func)), 1:length(unique(moltenp$variable)))
    plot(coordf$Var1/max(coordf$Var1), coordf$Var2/max(coordf$Var2), cex = 0, bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = NA, ylab = NA, ylim = c(0,1.45), xlim = c(-0.1, 1.1), ...)
    #abline(h = coordf$Var2)
    points(coordf$Var1/max(coordf$Var1), coordf$Var2/max(coordf$Var2), cex = moltenp$cexes, col = moltenp$colors, pch = 16, bty = 'n')
    axis(1, at = unique(coordf$Var1)/max(coordf$Var1), labels = colnames(valuedf) , las = 2, cex.axis = 0.9)
    axis(4, at = unique(coordf$Var2)/max(coordf$Var2), labels = rownames(valuedf), las = 2, cex.axis = 0.7)

    rect_series = seq(0.05, 0.4, length.out = length(color_pal) + 1)
    for(q in 1:length(color_pal)) 
            rect(xleft = rect_series[q], ybottom = 1.2, xright = rect_series[q+1], ytop = 1.25, col = color_pal[q], border = NA)

    rect(xleft = 0.05, xright = 0.4, ybottom = 1.2 ,ytop = 1.25)

    text(x = 0.05, y = 1.3, labels = paste("-", edgen))
    text(x = 0.4, y = 1.3, labels = edgen)
    text(x = 0.225, y = 1.28, pos = 3, labels = maplabel)

    cvec = vector()
    for(i in 1:length(unique(moltenp$cexes)))
        cvec[i] <- pcex[which(pcex$cexes == unique(pcex$cexes)[i])[length(which(pcex$cexes == unique(pcex$cexes)[i]))],1]   
    cvec = cvec[1:(length(cvec)-1)]
    cxvec = c("p > 0.05", paste("p <=", rev(formatC(cvec, format = "e", digits = 2))))

    point_series = seq(0.6, 1, length.out = length(unique(moltenp$cex)))

    for(i in 1:length(point_series)) points(y = 1.25, x = point_series[i], cex = unique(moltenp$cex)[order(unique(moltenp$cex))][i], pch = 16, col = "gray")

    text(x = point_series, y = rep(1.3, length(point_series)), labels = cxvec, cex = 0.7, srt = 45, pos = 4)


Let’s now apply the function to our simulated correlations and p values:

bubbleMap(cors, pvals, color_pal = viridis(25, option = "D"), main = "A bubblemap!")
## Using func as id variables
## Using func as id variables

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